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Use a combo of rice and chickpea flours for a gluten-free crispy crust when panfrying!
Last night I tried this awesome David Tanis recipe for Spicy Fried Shrimp that calls for a coatin...
Quick tip: Eat less fat after a workout!
When your muscles are fatigued, it's important to eat only a small amount of fat with more emphas...
How to eat an Avocado seed
"I had no idea!"
Carrots have a slow respiration rate which means they have a long shelf life
#nofoodwaste #kitchentips #tipoftheday
Make festive pancakes by placing a cookie cutter on the pan or griddle, and pouring the batter into the shape.
#kitchentips #tipoftheday
Gordon Ramsay shows us how the pros chop an onion
Always salt your pasta water for maximum flavor
#kitchentips #tipoftheday
Sauté chopped anchovies in the pan before starting a tomato sauce. They and saltiness and omega-3s.
And when the sauce is done you won't even know they're there! #kitchentips #tipoftheday
If you're a prepared garlic fan, buy freeze-dried. It's the only type that maintains its nutrients.
#kitchentips #tipoftheday
Use measuring cups to pour pancake batter! It helps ensure the pancakes are the same size
#kitchentips #tipoftheday