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Replace saturated fats from butter, lard, pastries,cream with unsaturated fats found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, oily fish and avocados.
Don't get more than you can eat and try eating slower since this balances out your digestive system allows you to become more full quickly.
Drink a glass of water before your food, it will make you feel more full and make you want to eat less!
Put An Egg On It! (turn your potential food waste into a tasty meal)
LOVE this idea. Use your leftovers or veggies that are a day away from being bad - top with an eg...
A healthy alternative !! Zipfizz! Just add the mix to a water bottle and shake well!!! You can find it at Costco or even online !
Day 2/1: Avoid Soda Level I
No sugar breakfast
For a no sugar breakfast try some Homemade toast and eggs by heating a frying pan with a little b...
I've always struggled with food.
At the age of 9, I was a competitive cheerleader. I had been doing it for a few years, and after ...
Add lemon juice to your water
By adding lemon juice to your water it gives it taste, helps detox your body and helps increase y...
A good way to stop drinking soda is to find a healthier alternative like carbonated water. For extra flavor add some lemon or lime slices.
Finished enchiladas😻