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Crush it with Kale — Diet ID
"Why do nutritionists and health food foodies get so excited about kale, anyway? I’ll tell you!"
An easy way to get veggies into breakfast - use dosa batter!
My son wanted an uttapam with his breakfast. No problem! I was able to get coriander and tomatoes...
Did You Know?
Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies. Most of the time it can be preve...
I conquered the The Add Dairy Challenge - 7 days!
This is one of my favorite kitchen gadgets!
This time-saving multi-blade scissor is perfect for fresh herbs like parsley and cilantro -- no m...
Did you know?
Curry in a Hurry? No Worry!
For a warm, flavorful dinner in less than 30 minutes, try this shortcut curry! You can use any ve...
A common challenge: Eating plant based on vacation... I've turned that into a fun opportunity rather than a challenge -
I look forward to finding and trying plant based friendly eateries everywhere we travel. Our fami...
Nuts are one of the most health-supporting foods you can choose!
Sugar or chocolate coated varieties don't count ;-)
My favorite plant based cookbook series: Oh She Glows -so many fun, easy, delicious family friendly recipes!
"Browse hundreds of crowd-pleasing vegan recipes created by Angela Liddon, New York Times Bestsel...