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Are you at our #FoodRevolution celebration with @diginn and Michael Moss? Say hi in the comments below!
Our #FoodBookandFilm chat will be on Facebook live if you can't join in person!
Ramps and sea asparagus get frittata'd. Recipe on the blog soon! ☺️ #FoodRevolution
Leek Pasta
I put this #NoFoodWaste tip at the @Feedbackorg event to practice. 1. Cut the greens off of your ...
Have a Rainbow Day for Food Revolution Day
See more at this post:
Basmati rice leftovers turned into oat milk rice topped with blueberries, the dandelion rests found in the sieve and honey #nofoodwaste
What a wonderful day sharing local foods with students.
Dandelion jam with apple juice and lemon. So fruity and perfect for a warm spring/summer day.
Here you can find the recipe for this jam which has this sweet harsh and fruity taste: Make sur...
Lettuce was a cooked vegetable, before it became mainly a salad ingredient (like spinach). Topped my ramen with windowsill-grown greens 👌🏼
1 in every 5 plant species is likely threatened for extinction
Based on the best available estimate, scientists say that 21 percent of all plant species - or on...
Throwing it back to the ramp pesto I made last spring. Ramp tops and bottoms and pistachios & some EVOO. Gotta make more!! #FoodRevolution