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Bell pepper-Carrot Pesto & egg Bruschetta
Healthy, filling and easy to make breakfast 1 cup water, 10 strawberries, 1 Tbps olive oil, 1/2 tsp vanilla extract, 1 scoop vanilla protein
Pear, cranberry, cottage cheese, and vinaigrette dressing on a spinach salad!
The beans of fall 🍂
Curried Chickpeas & Butternut Squash with Brussels Sprouts & Cilantro Hummus Sauce
A great low calorie breakfast food is a smoothie. All you do is put a banana, strawberries, ice and milk in a blender. Yogurt is optional.
Beet, Broccoli, Quinoa, & Toasted Seed Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette
Quick & delicious!
Seared Mahi with Roasted Squash, Red Onion, & Spinach
Jazzed up with some olive oil, thyme, rosemary, prepared horseradish, & a fresh squeeze of lemon 🍋
I was successful in eating less meat. But a big pot of Bone Broth means getting a whack of nutrients and collagen.
"It’s January 1, 2016.  Always kind of a strange day.  I mean, it is a day like any other day, ri...
Braised Chickpeas and Carrots
Plus spinach, because no meal is complete without those dark leafy greens 💚
Roasted Mushroom, Cauliflower, and Quinoa Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette