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Today's lunch consisted of yesterday's bolognese sauce and boiled veggies! What a better way to avoid fast food and use leftovers?
Mango rice(un ripe mango)
No sugar in this morning's breakfast. Muesli with almonds, banana, and strawberries in unsweetened almond milk.
Day 10/14: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level III
Kelp noodle primavera hits the spot
Sautéed onion, garlic, bell pepper, tomato. Tossed in kelp noodles and parmesan, and topped with ...
First time eating a sandwich at the famous Zingerman's Deli!
This was a delicious vegetarian sandwich full of hummus, spinach, artichoke, and roasted red pepp...
Zingerman's Delicatessen
Si, today I ate good stuff. It was nutritional for me and my abs. Better than the raw eggs I too...
Lunch time!
Clean Sweep!
Went for the kill on this one! I wish my grades back in school were just as good!!
Adding goji berries to your breakfast is a great way to stay energized during the whole day since they are superfoods!
I Stopped Eating After 7 P.M. Every Night for a Month, and Here’s What Happened | Runner's World
"Are those late-night snacks holding you back? Here’s how one writer nixed that bad habit."