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Smaller plates may not help you eat less | Smaller plates | Delbouef illusion | food deprivation | eating less | Appetite | eat less
"If you think that serving food on a smaller plate can trick your brain into eating"
I’m having a barbecue tonight, what are some no sugar options? And is honey allowed?
New comer comer here
Cta Bus Stop
How do marinades weigh in regards to eating sugar? ie: a marinade for meat that uses Dijon mustard before cooking.
Making dinner with a little baby at home means meals usually fit in one bowl. This one was particularly delish and ready in 20 min
Brown rice with garlic and kale, avocado and greens salad, and pan seared chicken with onions and...
Any healthy/no sugar added pizza alternatives/recipes?! This is the fifth pizza to tempt me in less than a week!
Can I use whole milk and espresso without sweetener? Definitely better flavor but doesn’t the who...
“Lactic acid” vs “Lactose” on the list of 56 sugar names - also something to avoid?
I blended up a frozen banana with a little skim milk and it was delicious. Perfect treat in this hot weather.
Salt craving
I’ve been craving salt lately. Is this related to not having added sugar? Is anyone else craving...