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#NoFoodWaste #nosugar breakfast in a jiffy.
Day 3/30: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level IV Mashed up leftover cauliflower and mushrooms from di...
Cabbage and sweet potato! Made with coriander powder, chili powder, turmeric, and lime. I made this 4 days ago and it's still good.
Day 2/30: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level IV #nofoodwaste
New York City's first mason jar-only restaurant - Congrats @ancolienyc on the opening!
This is truly a #NoFoodWaste salad restaurant in NY.
Friday Inspiration: Silo - the Restaurant with a #nofoodwaste Objective
This story about a UK restaurant is today's inspiration: "His ultimate vision is a tight-knit net...
Vegan dinner at By Chloe. This Thai salad was filling and tasty! I only finished half. Will save be rest for 2morrow #nofoodwaste
Day 1/3: Eat Less Meat Level II
Tapenade Tip #2
A spoonful of Spread-mmms olive tapenade will make an ordinary omelette taste amazing! Just grab...
Pro tip! Pre-cut your kale. Eat greens all week.
Do you ever buy greens from the farmers market (or grocery) and then let them hang out in the fr...
10 Innovative Solutions to Food Waste | Sierra Club
"A new movement to address the global food waste problem is bearing fruit" #nofoodwaste
This is great! What to do with gross tomatoes.
"How to turn unripe, green, mealy, mushy, flavorless, terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad tomat...
15 foods you didn't know you could freeze
"The freezer can be your best friend when it comes to preventing unnecessary food waste at home."...