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A Cluttered Kitchen Can Nudge Us To Overeat, Study Finds
So fascinating! 40% more calories of snacks were eaten in the cluttered kitchens. "Earlier resear...
So fascinating! 40% more calories of snacks were eaten in the cluttered kitchens. "Earlier research found that people in a messy work area were less likely to choose healthy snacks. Now a study hin...
Want crispy skin, but hate making a mess when cooking fish on the stove?
Preheat the oven with a sheet pan inside, and add your fish filets skin-side down on the already ...
Preheat the oven with a sheet pan inside, and add your fish filets skin-side down on the already hot sheet pan. The skin will crisp up without coating your kitchen in oil splatter. #kitchentips
Wrap the stems of bananas to make them last longer.
This prevents the ethylene gas produced by the stems from ripening the rest of the fruit too quic...
This prevents the ethylene gas produced by the stems from ripening the rest of the fruit too quickly. Want to slow it even more? Wrap each banana stem individually. #kitchentips
To roast a chicken, cook for 25 minutes at 450, then turn down to 400 for another hour.
The internal temp should read 165 degrees, and the juices should run clear. This recipe is a fant...
The internal temp should read 165 degrees, and the juices should run clear. This recipe is a fantastic way to cook your veggies and meat in one! #kitchentips
Is that milk past its 'sell by' date? Drink it anyway.
This is probably one of my biggest pet peeves in the industry and I hope on Food Recovery Lobby D...
This is probably one of my biggest pet peeves in the industry and I hope on Food Recovery Lobby Day on Apr 4, 2016 we address this issue. "My father used to keep food in the ref...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians i think people just need to learn how to smell milk - e.g. get to know their food a bit more.
  • annefood Yes this is so ridiculous. @unconventionalbaker @JenniferEmilson and I were talking about this last week, and I suggested that there either needs to be a federal regulation as this article...
  • JenniferEmilson Sell by dates and Best by dates are purely for the retailer's benefit. Common sense needs to be taught as well. I was intrigued by this conversation last week. And like @rachna said, Use your nose....
See all 7 comments...
Refresh Your Hard Bread!
1. Wrap in foil
2. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes 

(Animation at imgur link)
1. Wrap in foil
2. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes
(Animation at imgur link)
  • Gwendolyn Yes! Works great. #kitchentips
  • JenniferEmilson Another easy way: get oven to 375 degrees. Sprinkle water all over the outside of baguette or loaf and put directly into oven. The steam will crunch up the outside, and warmly soften and fluff up...
  • Yfalkson Maybe you can change your title to food hacker?
See all 5 comments...
Change up your risotto game: Switch out arborio rice for toasted buckwheat! Asparagus Buckwheat Risotto on the blog
"Buckwheat. It’s not wheat. It’s not even a grain.  Would you believe, it is actually related to ...
"Buckwheat. It’s not wheat. It’s not even a grain.  Would you believe, it is actually related to rhubarb and sorrel? It is, in fact, a fruit seed and is a suitable substitute for gr…"
For the love of all that is sacred, ALWAYS toss your pasta in its sauce before serving!
8yr Hesperides Organica Coop
Cook your pasta to "al dente," remove from boiling water and throw directly into sauce. Keep sauc...
Cook your pasta to "al dente," remove from boiling water and throw directly into sauce. Keep sauce on simmer and toss your pasta, marrying the two heavenly ingredients. It will continue to slightly...
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Store nuts in the freezer!
Their high fat content causes them to spoil easily, and freezing them keeps them fresh. Just use/...
Their high fat content causes them to spoil easily, and freezing them keeps them fresh. Just use/eat them straight out of the freezer! #kitchentips
Add some zip to your vinaigrette with spices!
I used ground cumin in this shallot vinaigrette with lemon juice, white wine vinegar and mustard....
I used ground cumin in this shallot vinaigrette with lemon juice, white wine vinegar and mustard. It's a great way to add more flavor to a simple green salad. #kitchentips
  • tinabeans Brilliant! Cumin goes well with anything :P