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No Sugar!
I’ve gone 11 days without sugar! I feel great! I encourage all of you to try it!
  • bbjjbb Great work ! And yes I say work ! I just started the avoid sugar challenge and hope to conquer 11 days too!
  • Only1Mikayla You. Got. This. I seriously think it has helped change my view of food & sugar! I have a much more healthy view now. It will be hard, but you can do it!
How to participate in another challenge
Want to know how can I register for another challenge. Can I only do a challenge at a time ?
As from tomorrow I’m starting my sugar detox 🥴
gemz83's post
I made to 3 days on the avoid fast food challenge! I’m only a kid!
rebecca0716's post
  • Greenbay_marlo Good job... Keep it up.
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how can i resist temptation?
  • rebecca0716 Get rid of all unhealthy food
  • jeje Ere
  • isaacstsi I will allow myself to crave and indulge myself in manna from heaven Water, fruits, vegetables, spices, and other wholesome, nourishing, nutritious foods; and allow myself to give in to temptation,...
Would anyone like to be my buddy? I really don’t know anyone IRL that would want to do this with me.
Craving, tired, head feels unsatisfied. Withdrawals are getting worse, but the weird thing is I still feel a little sharper mentally and a little more in control.
Day 1/3: Avoid Sweets, Dessert, and Candy Level II
  • brentreed13 I also feel unsatisfied. Been craving sweets but feel better about myself not having a dessert everyday
  • treed8887 I know, I think I’ve been using sweets everyday to just get me through energy wise. Fruit substitutions have been alright so far.
I’ve successfully made it to Level II!
My head has felt unsatisfied all day. I just can’t seem to avoid the cravings, but they’ve got to diminish at some point, right?
Day 1/5: Avoid Sweets, Dessert, and Candy Level III
So, I was definitely more alert and calm today, but I did get pretty hangry because I didn’t eat meals regularly enough. But it was kinda hard to eat foods in my home that didn’t have any added sug...
Day 1/1: Avoid Sweets, Dessert, and Candy Level I
  • brentreed13 What is this? Did you do an event or something?
  • treed8887 It’s a post and I made it public. You can also make your “check-in’s” public.