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Looks like California voters are in support of a soda tax and a warning label on sugary beverages
This is great timing since a bill proposing warning labels will hit the house soon #policynews
The food movement is small? Not from where we sit
This is an awesome piece by Anna Lappe on the stats to prove that this is really a movement! #pol...
The Top 5 Food Problems Americans Want the Next President to Fix | Civil Eats
From access to government subsidies to workers’ rights, Americans are increasingly seeing food as...
New rules to prevent fish fraud coming our way!
The Woman Fighting to Make Sustainability Part of the American Diet | Civil Eats
Dr. Miriam Nelson was a key figure behind the effort to work sustainability into the nation’s die...
What's the latest on #gmo labeling? Marion Nestle give us an update
Quick summary on the state by state effort to make labeling and transparency a thing. #policynews
Plate of the Union: Petition to our next President
Take action to tell the next president to fix our broken food system. #policynews
Obama to seek $12B from Congress for child nutrition
"Soil Should Be the Foundation of Food, Water, and Energy Policy"
"All roads lead back to soil," said Chef Dan Barber... #policynews
Agriculture, Iowa and the White House
Farm policy was a major debate topic in Iowa, and there are more issues for the White House hopef...