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Carrots with pea shoot butter
Garden update! Kale has given me 2 harvests already, Brussels sprouts are coming in, snap peas are flowering, but the Corn has died 🌽😥 RIP
The wind hasn't taken any of these as victims yet, but the Brussels sprouts are getting taller so...
Leftover Meal Plan Swipes: No Waste Here - The New York Times
An incredible #NoFoodWaste story, but also one about how food waste becomes a problem.
Thought of Foodstand when I saw these WWII posters in the gift shop of the Churchill War Rooms in London.
Churchill War Rooms (Churchill Museum & Cabinet...
OpenIDEO - How might we dramatically reduce waste by transforming our relationship with food? - "Share My Dabba (lunchbox)" - How a Small Sticker Can Make a Big Difference
I love this idea so much! @garv have you seen something like this at work? #NoFoodWaste
Swedish bread, red beet hummus, cucumber and radish leftovers. Perfect for breakfast, brunch or lunch! Have a great day and #nofoodwaste
Growing garlic?
Saw my garlic was budding. Decided to plant it a week ago and this is what I have so far. Fingers...
Baby food! Start them early on that #nofoodwaste. Pear, beetroot, and beet greens!
Simple sprout salad
Cafeteria Culture is helping schools take the #zerowastechallenge with #NoFoodWaste.
Just learned about this group through NYC's Mayor Office. Tre Cool. Wondering if anyone here with...