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I had my first cheat day yesterday. Was at a friends house for dinner and had a small piece of dessert. My body was used to not having any sugar, so I did not feel very good from it. I def feel better without any sugar in my system!
Day 1/7: Avoid Added Sugar Level IV
Hydrating myself
Day 1/1: Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day Level I
New comer comer here
Cta Bus Stop
Taco's with lots of veggies πŸ˜€πŸ˜‹
Day 1/7: Cook Dinner More Often Level IV
I had a half breast on bed of spinach with feta cheese.
Day 3/3: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level II
Smaller plates may not help you eat less | Smaller plates | Delbouef illusion | food deprivation | eating less | Appetite | eat less
"If you think that serving food on a smaller plate can trick your brain into eating"
It’s getting easier.
It’s getting easier everyday. This is the longest I’ve gone without added sugar in years. πŸ’™πŸ’š
Avoided soda
Day 7/14: Avoid Soda Level IV
Breakfast for me at an event while everyone else is eating pastries!!! 😝
Superfoods in your backyard: Now, entrepreneurs source quinoa, chia, amaranth and avocado locally, say no to import - Mumbai Mirror
"More Indians want to include high-nutrient foods like quinoa, chia, amaranth and avocado in thei...