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I made it 4 days on the The Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Challenge!
emilia84's post
Colors of brunch.
Colors of brunch.
I made it 9 days on the The Avoid Soda Challenge!
nuks's post
I just made it to Level II on the The 5 Fruits and Veggies a Day Challenge!
Bird's post
Seared salmon with a spicy twist
I added a charred jalapeño, capers, and garlic chips with a miso, lime dressing.
I added a charred jalapeño, capers, and garlic chips with a miso, lime dressing.
A BROADLOOM project killing it in Hoboken:
8yr Hudson Table
Tara's post
At today's FoodStand swap. Chili Granola. Yup - read it again. Chili Granola -delicious #thesamballady #auriasmalaysiankitchen#foodstandswap
At today's FoodStand swap. Chili Granola. Yup - read it again. Chili Granola -delicious #thesamba...
Coconut cake (non-dairy)
Coconut cake (non-dairy)
Sobeys Is Selling Avocado Halves, The Internet Is Confused
A Canadian grocery store selling packaged avocado halves is causing a stir on the web... 🤔🙈 

A Canadian grocery store selling packaged avocado halves is causing a stir on the web... 🤔🙈 I'm struggling to picture a scenario where these would be a necessity...
  • lauren Hmmm now this doesn't make much sense...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Like the peeled oranges at whole foods!!The rationale for the Oranges was to solve for accessibility issues - people who are handicapped can't easily peel oranges, and presumably can't cut and...
  • Gwendolyn But unlike with the oranges, this packaging looks difficult! If I had limited mobility with my hands I'm not sure this packaging option would help.
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