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The Ultimate Nighttime Routine for Better Sleep
"The Ultimate Nighttime Routine for Better Sleep is a guide to getting better sleep now including...
Study Hall: A good night's sleep may prevent overeating | Well+Good
"Researchers found that sleep-deprived people consumed 549 more calories per day than those who g...
9 Ways To Get More Energy That Have Nothing To Do With Sleep
"Tired of being tired? We feel ya. Back away from burnout with nine not-so-secret solutions for m...
The New Thinking On Nighttime Eating
"Our nutrition experts believe you can benefit from a bedtime snack. Here's how."
i make my own apple cider vinegar by using apple leftovers!
"So, basically my attempt to regularly blog failed big time. But it's never too late to continu...
Sugar and kids: How to stop it from sneaking into their diets -
"US dietary guidelines recommend that children consume less than 10% of daily calories from added...
Anthony Bourdain Is Producing a New Film on the History of Food Waste | First We Feast
"Anthony Bourdain and a number of celebrity chefs will take on food waste in a new film."
A soda replacement - drop fresh mint and fennel into seltzer for a refreshing beverage!
George Washington Carver cared about sustainable farming before it was cool
"It explains exactly why George Washington Carver was so obsessed with peanuts."
Let It Bleed (Humanely): We Taste the Vegan "Impossible" and "Beyond" Burgers | Serious Eats
"The last few years have been exciting times for veggie burgers, with two extraordinarily well-fu...