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Are millennials ignoring key food policy issues?
Does our foodie movement stop short? Conversations about our meals, non-GMO and local are everywh...
How McDonald's Labor Trial Could Affect the Entire Fast Food Industry
The ruling could affect the wages and benefits of hundreds of thousands of U.S. workers. #policynews
Michael Pollan has the (food) question we should be asking Trump and Hillary
Are they willing to create a national food policy that will reconcile our agricultural policy wit...
Slice The Price Of Fruits And Veggies, Save 200,000 Lives?
The problem is that farm workers aren't getting paid enough as it is. So here's a call to subsidi...
A follow-up to the cheese wood pulp story- what's the real problem
Evidently cellulose is a common additive, and the "legality has more to do with the fact that the...
Clinton Calls for $15 Minimum Wage & End of Tipped Wages
We are the "only industrialized country in the world that requires tipped workers to take home th...
One more petition: Tell the FDA to Ban Harmful Synthetic Food Dyes
A number of studies, and an emerging scientific consensus, demonstrate that some children experie...
Tell Congress: Reduce food waste now
Tell Congress to support this comprehensive bill that includes a provision to reform the "sell by...
Does what a politician eats convey how relatable they are?
Politicians pay attention to what people see them eating, but that's about as far as food has got...
Eat less meat to meet EU climate targets, study says
Is going meatless the way to meat (pun intended) the Paris climate summit's goals? #policynews