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Lettuce was a cooked vegetable, before it became mainly a salad ingredient (like spinach). Topped my ramen with windowsill-grown greens πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
Twist up your drinks with: Passionfruit Ice cubes, there are so many possibilities for #nofoodwaste ice cubes! More coming soon πŸ’šπŸŒ±β™»οΈ
My go to snack these days, homemade cinnamon peanut butter with a CSA apple and more cinnamon haha
Vegetarian lasagna for a little Meatless Monday! πŸ’š Courgettes, tomatoes, sweet onions, spinach
I'm calling this one the "Locals Only Quiche".
Yet another asparagus recipe! Getting as much as we can before the season is out πŸ‘πŸΌ Farmstand as...
Wild mushrooms πŸ™ŒπŸΌ thinking up some recipes to use them!
I'm thinking I'll make some fresh pasta and toss these mushrooms in fresh #local butter, thyme fr...
Get cozy and warm on this rainy day with some Parsnip Coconut Cream Soup β€”
"Get cozy and warm with this delicious creamy soup. Ingredients: 6 medium diced parsnipsΒ  ...
Chia pudding made from strawberry banana leftover smoothie, topped with soy yoghurt leftovers, blueberries, crocant and drizzles of honey.
Fresh burrata, basil, heirloom tomatoes and avocado
Made a breakfast tpdau for Tristram @Feedback and caught up on #NoFoodWaste. If you're in New Yor...
Green Split Pea & Spinach Pizza Crust | Vegan & Gluten-Free - Blissful Basil