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#nofoodwaste clobbered together dinner. When in doubt, make a burger!
I literally cleaned out what was left in the fridge, added some spices, made patties, and cooked!...
Watermelon Chunks Drink with puffed Amaranth for Lunch ! Another #nofoodwaste idea for watermelon coming.
Leftover smoothie bowl in the garden for breakfast 💚♻️🌱
Brewery Taps Into The Environment And Creates Zero-Waste Beer
I can't wait to try this #NoFoodWaste beer. If anyone finds it, please share your thoughts.
Dinner reinvented
Dan Barber turns dog food into meatloaf. This is the epitome of #NoFoodWaste
"Blue Hill chef Dan Barber is showcasing a menu that uses ingredients that would otherwise end up...
Strawberry-Top Water Is A Refreshing Solution To Food Waste
Love this #NoFoodWaste tip. I think @CarpeDeli can appreciate too.
Fresh zucchini in my grandma's garden. I feel like eating #nofoodwaste zucchini risotto in the zucchini blossoms now😋💚♻️🌱
Home in Germany means breakfast on the terrace surrounded by fresh flowers every morning. Fruit oatmeal it is with lots of vitamins 😋♻️🌱
Picking grandma's strawberries in her huge garden 💚 and none are wasted