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This is Frank.
I used to love him, but I had to eat him. #NoFoodWaste
What to do with this?
Ok all you #nofoodwaste experts. I have 24oz of fresh squeezed tomato juice from homegrown tomato...
Ditmas Park
Simple clean-out-the-fridge quinoa salad with feta cheese, avocado, sun-dried tomatoes, cucumber, mixed olives and chopped fresh mint.
A squeeze of lemon juice and drizzle of extra virgin olive oil to finish off #nofoodwaste
Swedish bread, red beet hummus, cucumber and radish leftovers. Perfect for breakfast, brunch or lunch! Have a great day and #nofoodwaste
Happy to see this deal on "blemished" produce at the Union Square farmer's market.
Care of Norwich Meadows Farm #nofoodwaste #KnowYourFarmer
Union Square Greenmarket
What is Kohlrabi?
#KnowYourProduce #SeasonalProduce #NoFoodWaste #Kohlrabi
Hubby always makes me breakfast in bed/sofa/kitchen on Sunday.
Organic free range egg scramble, heirloom tomatoes, chestnut mushrooms, spinach and local cheddar...
Fig, oyster mushroom and scallion pizza.
Sometimes you just have to step out of your comfort zone (aka making dinner with whatever there i...
Ditmas Park
Origin's Cafe in Cooperstown.
Doing their part for the food system. #nofoodwaste
Origins Cafe
Watermelon Chunks Drink with puffed Amaranth for Lunch ! Another #nofoodwaste idea for watermelon coming.