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I made it 4 days on the The 3 Fruits and Veggies a Day Challenge!
AprilMorning's post
  • Cristobal Way to go! Remember to eat your fruits and veggies today 🍎🥦
  • mattwk Nice work!!
I conquered the The 5 Fruits and Veggies a Day Challenge - 30 days!
leatherwoman's post
  • Cristobal Stellar work! Great job on successfully completing the challenge! How do you feel?
I made it 16 days on the The 5 Fruits and Veggies a Day Challenge!
sheliaann's post
I made it 4 days on the The 5 Fruits and Veggies a Day Challenge!
valenciarhines's post
I made it 16 days on the The Eat Real Food Challenge!
Stana's post
I just made it to Level II on the The 5 Fruits and Veggies a Day Challenge!
mchandmusic's post
I made it 16 days on the The 8 Glasses of Water a Day Challenge!
kathyd's post
I conquered the The Avoid Sweetened Beverages Challenge - 30 days!
destino's post
I conquered the The 8 Glasses of Water a Day Challenge - 30 days!
bbozuna's post
I made it 4 days on the The 5 Fruits and Veggies a Day Challenge!
Nanedrab1908's post