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I'm going to complete this water challenge 💪
Day 1/1: Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day Level I
Just sharing...
Day 24No Sugar Challenge . Doing a refresher to reach this stage , where I don't crave sugar but ...
I got this delicious pepperoni puff pastry from Boomerang’s this morning. I walked every isle of the grocery store near my house to find the healthy food I’ve bought from other stores that I loved! I found my old beloved items and I walked down the frozen section not thinking I would find anything but I found this cheesy goodness. Saying I’m an amateur regarding organic food is giving me too much credit. Truth is, I went on a personal dairy strike this last month because I became aware of the culprit called dairy! I have not had milk since 2009 and a peta video killed that childhood favorite of mine but cheese! OH MY, I loved cheese! I would make grilled cheese and the cheese would be on that bread like a small mountain! I live in a very rural area and finding a vegan shredded cheese requires me to drive about an hour and a half and I’m just not ready right now! But, my excuse is I’m detoxing from cheese! Well, not anymore I guess. This pepperoni puff was a tasty little treat for me!
Day 1/1: Avoid Fast Food Level I
Made my yogurt breakfast in a leftover bulk container for a real food no sugary breakfast on the go!
Day 3/7: Eat Real Food Level II
Purdue oven stuffer roaster chicken, mix vegetable 😋😋Yummy🦃🦃🦃
Tips to eat healthy on the go
While traveling from one place to the other, it is possible that you’ll feel hungry at some point...
Avoid sweets
I was kind addict on sweet things and in the beginning to make the challenge easier I decided to ...
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HarvestSignal - fresh produce alerts for your zip code
How to speed up your metabolism | Well+Good
"You could be sabotaging yourself without even realizing it."