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Transform yourself into a savvy supermarket shopper with these 11 easy tips - Mirror Online
"Experts reveal how you can make healthier choices when you do your supermarket shop"
Veggie packed dinner in 20 minutes - chickpea pasta topped with stewed eggplant, tomato, garlic, onions, and parsley.
I love chickpea pasta on busy nights because it’s protein dense (vs regular pasta), tastes virtua...
Apple peels
Give kids sliced apples with the peel on & mix the variety of apples.
New comer comer here
Cta Bus Stop
Making dinner with a little baby at home means meals usually fit in one bowl. This one was particularly delish and ready in 20 min
Brown rice with garlic and kale, avocado and greens salad, and pan seared chicken with onions and...
Bean soup for dinner.
Day 1/7: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level IV
Trader Joe’s organic fruit spread has no added sugar and is delish!!! Lots of flavors:)
Smaller plates may not help you eat less | Smaller plates | Delbouef illusion | food deprivation | eating less | Appetite | eat less
"If you think that serving food on a smaller plate can trick your brain into eating"
No added sugar and super tasty! Mixed with balsamic vinegar for salad dressing!
I blended up a frozen banana with a little skim milk and it was delicious. Perfect treat in this hot weather.