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Fresh zucchini in my grandma's garden. I feel like eating #nofoodwaste zucchini risotto in the zucchini blossoms nowπŸ˜‹πŸ’šβ™»οΈπŸŒ±
Naan bread leftovers topped with greens and fruit leftovers make super good breakfasts. What would you put on your naan bread?
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Green eggs + avocado
I was making pesto with my wilting arugula (thanks @etsummer for the tip!) and decided to expedit...
I was making pesto with my wilting arugula (thanks @etsummer for the tip!) and decided to expedite the blender-cleaning process (maybe?) by throwing two eggs in with a spoonful of pesto to make gre...
  • etsummer Yay! What a great idea. And I always love kitchen hacks that leave less dishes haha
  • Gwendolyn Great idea!!
Rocket wrap today using my strawberry leftovers, grilled tofu, yoghurtdressing and fried onions. #nofoodwaste β™»οΈπŸ’šπŸŒ±
It's a labor of love. Hot, sticky, baked drumstick love.
  • JoanneG The chicken looks amazing. How long did you bake it for? I also love snap peas in any salad because they add a sweet crunch. I bet this tasted amazing.
Watermelon Chunks Drink with puffed Amaranth for Lunch ! Another #nofoodwaste idea for watermelon coming.
Dandelion jam with apple juice and lemon. So fruity and perfect for a warm spring/summer day.
Here you can find the recipe for this jam which has this sweet harsh and fruity taste: 

Make sur...
Here you can find the recipe for this jam which has this sweet harsh and fruity taste: Make sure that you pick the dandelion blossoms in the midday time and in the sun during their season in spri...
Thai veggie curry with food leftovers tastes sooo good. Did you already check my #nofoodwaste set up tips on my blog? Check πŸ’š
Denmark's newest grocer only sells unloved food
Just another reason to love Denmark #nofoodwaste
Just another reason to love Denmark #nofoodwaste
  • annefood Yes! I loved hearing about this. Go Denmark!
First time making fish stock and it made a great impact on my meal! #nofoodwaste #FoodRevolution