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Defending SNAP and Child Nutrition After the Election - Urban Food Policy Forum
What will be the impact of the election outcome on SNAP and Child Nutrition? The Republican Party...
CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Healt...
I've made some mistakes, is it still okay?
FoodInno Design Symposium - hearing from Daniel Patterson
Great opening remarks from Daniel, who opened Locol, a fast food restaurant trying to make good f...
Fruit during sugar detox
Is there a limit on how much fruit you can/should eat during the no sugar challenge? I know it sp...
I’m a big morning coffee drinker. I use 2 tsp of International Delight coffee creamer and a tbsp of whipped cream. Do I have to ditch this?
Is the fruit “must” in my balsamic vinegar considered an added sugar?
Added sugar??
It says 3 grams of sugar, but I don’t see sugar in the ingredients unless it’s disguised as somet...
I’m having a barbecue tonight, what are some no sugar options? And is honey allowed?
What's your favorite good food book/movie/documentary/reporting series etc.?
My vegetarian lifestyle started when I watched a kids news segment on feedlots on Nickelodeon whe...
Italian Cheese Making Class! Natural Gourmet Institute
There are still two spaces in the Italian Fresh Cheese Making class @naturalgourmetinstitute