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Marinara Sauce
Do you count marinara sauce in your fruits and veggies?
  • annefood Hey @ShawnCramer - only if you’re consuming a lot of it (think bowl of tomato soup). Tomatoey marinara is awesome but usually we only have a few tablespoons of it which wouldn’t count as a whole...
  • ShawnCramer Thank you!
Just ran 10 miles!
Day 1/3: Avoid Soda Level II
Day 1/3: Avoid Soda Level II
Refined Carbohydrates
How many refined carbohydrates roughly are acceptable on a daily basis?
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Generally speaking, it’s best to choose unrefined, whole grains whenever possible. When it comes to added sugar in particular, the max recommended amount per day is about 24 grams = 6 teaspoons....
Does anyone have experience with indoor vermicomposting (using Red wriggler worms)? I’ve been researching it this weekend and I’m close to buying the WormFactory 360 kit (seems like the cleanest op...
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Can I compost olive pits, pistachio nut shells, and corn cobs after they’ve been boiled?
  • DietID_TeamDietitians The short answer is yes. But all 3 take longer to compost so for the shells and pits, just know that they will take longer to break down so you may need to filter them out if you’re composting at...
  • mmorawski For the cobs, even after they’re boiled or steamed? I’ve heard that once vegetables are cooked, you shouldn’t compost them. Just wondering…
  • annefood @mmorawski it’s fine to compost cooked veggies as long as they’re only steamed or boiled- so no fat or sauces.
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First day eating less meat
  • DietID_TeamDietitians How does it feel? What are you replacing meat with? My favorite meat replacements are mushrooms and jackfruit.
  • shezza I never tried jackfruit, I’m using soya mince for spaghetti Bol, chilli etc, quorn bacon rashers, bio life cheese(which I hate, looking for another option) soya milk.
  • msantiago Hi shezza! Best of luck to you!!!
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From our Facebook page, Is it better to wrap leftovers if foil or put it in zip lock bags?
  • annefood Hey @mmorawski ! Good question. In general, I prefer to store leftovers in glass containers because there won't be any interaction between the food and the material in which it is stored. Glass is...
Today’s Challenge
Is there a challenge today? I guess I thought there would be a challenge every day. Just wondering…
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Hey @mmorawski! Yes, the challenge actually lasts for 30 days. Your goal is to have at least 1 Zero Food Waste meal each day. When you do so, open the Foodstand app and check in by drawing a check...
Vegan Shop-Up | an all vegan pop-up market
6yr Pine Box Rock Shop
Thought this event might be helpful for folks that are taking the eat less meat challenge or are ...
Thought this event might be helpful for folks that are taking the eat less meat challenge or are just in general looking for some tasty, plant based alternatives.
I accidentally "completed" the day after lunch today. How do I edit it so I can log dinner?
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Hey there! We can update this for you now that you have completed for the day. How many servings did you have for dinner?
  • sunswillwin I had an apple for a snack this afternoon - 1 serving. cabbage, carrots and a sweet potato for dinner - 2 servings
  • Udi Hi sunswillin, I've updated your previous level challenge with 3 additional servings. Does that address the issue for you? Thanks!
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