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How to eat an Avocado seed
"I had no idea!"
Carrots have a slow respiration rate which means they have a long shelf life
Make festive pancakes by placing a cookie cutter on the pan or griddle, and pouring the batter into the shape.
Gordon Ramsay shows us how the pros chop an onion
Always salt your pasta water for maximum flavor
#kitchentips #tipoftheday
Sauté chopped anchovies in the pan before starting a tomato sauce. They and saltiness and omega-3s.
And when the sauce is done you won't even know they're there! #kitchentips #tipoftheday
  • Riki Wow, what a strange but interesting idea !
    Keeping in mind that my husband hates anchovies, or at least, believes he does
    If in fact the anchovy flavor won t be apparent , May be it's worth a try 😅
  • annefood I would love to hear if he notices @Riki ! It's great in a tomato sauce with onions, olive oil and herbs. That might be the best way to sneak it in as those are stronger flavors. Only use 2 or 3...
If you're a prepared garlic fan, buy freeze-dried. It's the only type that maintains its nutrients.
Use measuring cups to pour pancake batter! It helps ensure the pancakes are the same size
#kitchentips #tipoftheday
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Smart!! I always did it with a spoon and had a myriad of shapes
  • annefood My mother always scooped everything with measuring cups- I credit her with the idea! I remember the rice on my plate being measuring cup shaped as a kid. Ha!
Don't peel your carrots! You lose about 1/3 of the nutrients when you trim off the outer layers.
#kitchentips #tipoftheday #nofoodwaste
If the top of your dish is getting overly browned in the oven, place a piece of foil on top so that the dish can finish cooking without burning the top