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Just started my No Sugar challenge right before X-masšŸ˜¬
After a major chocolate binge I have decided to start this challenge. I wonā€™t just push my body into a healthier stage, but I will also push my brain into saying ā€œNoā€ to a table full of Christmas c...
How to participate in another challenge
Want to know how can I register for another challenge. Can I only do a challenge at a time ?
I made to 3 days on the avoid fast food challenge! Iā€™m only a kid!
rebecca0716's post
  • Greenbay_marlo Good job... Keep it up.
  • DavidMiller Good Post. Thanks for sharing nice information. For instant support related to the Download QuickBooks File Doctor please visit...
how can i resist temptation?
  • rebecca0716 Get rid of all unhealthy food
  • jeje Ere
  • isaacstsi I will allow myself to crave and indulge myself in manna from heaven Water, fruits, vegetables, spices, and other wholesome, nourishing, nutritious foods; and allow myself to give in to temptation,...
My head has felt unsatisfied all day. I just canā€™t seem to avoid the cravings, but theyā€™ve got to diminish at some point, right?
Day 1/5: Avoid Sweets, Dessert, and Candy Level III
Craving, tired, head feels unsatisfied. Withdrawals are getting worse, but the weird thing is I still feel a little sharper mentally and a little more in control.
Day 1/3: Avoid Sweets, Dessert, and Candy Level II
  • brentreed13 I also feel unsatisfied. Been craving sweets but feel better about myself not having a dessert everyday
  • treed8887 I know, I think Iā€™ve been using sweets everyday to just get me through energy wise. Fruit substitutions have been alright so far.
So, I was definitely more alert and calm today, but I did get pretty hangry because I didnā€™t eat meals regularly enough. But it was kinda hard to eat foods in my home that didnā€™t have any added sug...
Day 1/1: Avoid Sweets, Dessert, and Candy Level I
  • brentreed13 What is this? Did you do an event or something?
  • treed8887 Itā€™s a post and I made it public. You can also make your ā€œcheck-inā€™sā€ public.
Would anyone like to be my buddy? I really donā€™t know anyone IRL that would want to do this with me.
Report of challenges started on a weekly basis
Opinion on Date bars
Hi all, 

Just started this challenge today and am struggling to draw a line under what can be cl...
Hi all, Just started this challenge today and am struggling to draw a line under what can be classed as a sugary treat and what could be deemed a "healthy" alternative that won't break the challe...