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This is great! What to do with gross tomatoes.
"How to turn unripe, green, mealy, mushy, flavorless, terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad tomat...
Guerilla Zuke Soup #nofoodwaste
What to do when my neighbor stealth gifts me with TWO zucchini bigger than my arm (and then goes ...
15 foods you didn't know you could freeze
"The freezer can be your best friend when it comes to preventing unnecessary food waste at home."...
This is Frank.
I used to love him, but I had to eat him. #NoFoodWaste
Spelt bread with avocado is such a filling breakfast - with no sugar
I keep trying to avoid sugar for breakfast so I don't get hungry as quickly. Spelt bread does the...
Corn + Parmesan broth
Don't toss your corn cobs this summer! Save them for this easy and flavorful broth made with Parm...
Coffee Flour - Turning Coffee Fruit into a High-Protein Flour
#nofoodwaste Gluten-free! & "Gram for gram, it has more iron than spinach, more fiber than whole ...
Celebrity chefs are feeding the homeless with the left over food from the Olympic village
Celebrity Chefs Turn Wasted Olympics Food Into Meals for Homeless
Consider what it takes to keep all those Olympian machines nourished and hydrated for one meal at...
This app fights food waste by letting you buy restaurant leftovers : TreeHugger
"No, it's not the unfinished meals left by customers, but rather perfectly good food that would o...