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No sugary breakfast!
Day 8/30: Eat Real Food Level IV Avo toast with onions jalapeños and topped with an egg. The toa...
Change yourself without a terrible wake up call!
Recovery and Positivity
Hi everyone, I'm happy to finally be writing a post. A month and a half ago I went the ER with na...
Local farm eggs are truly an awesome benefit to life.
Had an apple for breakfast!
Day 2/3: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level I
Union Square Greenmarket
Baked tandoori chicken over greens - another speedy dinner!
Day 1/30: Eat Real Food Level IV Back on the real food challenge. This was another speedy dinner...
It's been hard eating solid foods the past few weeks of this pregnancy but I am still trying my best to eat and keep it organic, home made and plant based. Tonight I made a creamy carrot soup, kale and butternut squash ravioli, and sauerkraut! Soon I'll try to start eating more plant-based protein again, but just the thought of certain foods makes me so nauseous right now.😁
Day 1/3: Stop Eating 2 Hours Before Bed Level I
Pesto zoodles with baked salmon - lunch in 20 minutes, full of real food!
Day 21/30: Eat Real Food Level IV
Another easy dinner - baked chicken and winter veggies seasoned with chili, coriander, cumin powder, turmeric, and tons of garlic.
Day 17/30: Eat Real Food Level IV 25 minutes on 425, and it's perfect!
Resisted all this unhealthy food while I was completely surrounded with it! Feeling good!! Positivity is the secret!!