Eat One Bite At A Time

What’s Inside

What’s IN & What’s OUT

  • Finish chewing and swallowing every bite before you put more food in your mouth.
  • Focus on taking smaller bites.
  • Eat your meal till you’re almost full—80% is an estimated guideline. This clearly isn’t exact, but the point is to stop before you’re full, but don’t starve yourself.
  • If you need to unbutton your pants after your meal, it’s unlikely you were eating mindfully.
  • If you no longer feel hungry but could eat more food, it might be time to put down your fork.
  • Let your body guide you, not the plate. Just because your plate still has food on it, doesn’t mean you should clean it up. You can save the leftovers.
  • If you slip, no biggie. Slipping means you’re trying, which is what counts! You can get back on track for the rest of the day.

Why This Is A Good Idea

Your stomach registers being full after you’ve already consumed enough food. By chewing and swallowing one bite at a time, you eat more slowly and allow your body to process the food you’ve just consumed. This helps you better determine when you are full and prevents overeating. Not only does this make you more comfortable, it also prevents weight-gain and saves you money since you’ll have leftovers for later. Stop eating calories you don’t need or want by practicing mindful eating. Note: One element of eating one bite at a time is to prevent overeating. Restricting oneself and focusing too much on weight can be harmful to the body, and to one’s mental health. Listen to your body, eat enough food but not too much, and don’t deprive yourself.

Basic Tips

  • Be sure to check in after each meal or snack; it’s more effective than waiting till the end of the day. Draw a check mark if you ate mostly one bite at a time during the meal or snack. Use a free pass if you rushed your bites during the meal or snack.
  • Think about eating based on how your body feels, not how much food is on your plate. If you’re mostly full but there are still a few bites left, that’s okay! Simply pack them up for later. They’ll wait for you.
  • Eat on a smaller plate. You’ll eat less food if there’s less in front of you.
  • Keep the serving dishes in the kitchen. Needing to walk into another room to refill your plate prevents you from continuing to nibble.
  • Chew more! Chewing helps you digest your food, and ease in digestion.
  • Set your fork down between bites.
  • Try eating with your non-dominant hand or with chopsticks. You’ll savor every bite.
  • Try setting a timer for 20 minutes and take the entire time to eat your meal.
  • Don’t eat in front of the television, your computer, or your mobile device. It’s harder to notice feelings of satiety if you’re distracted.
  • Don’t let yourself get too famished between meals, or you’ll be more likely to eat quickly, and overeat.
  • Eat food that’s satisfying—with healthy fats, high quality protein, and lots of fiber. Sugary foods might taste good, but they’ll often leave you craving more.

Smart Things To Read And Watch

Note: Diet ID is not focused on the number on the scale. Weight loss can be a byproduct of developing healthier eating habits, but if you have questions about your weight, please contact your physician.